
the best


jeudi 30 avril 2015

Tennis : entre tournois rivaux du Grand Chelem, les dotations explosent

Les vainqueurs du tournoi de Wimbledon 2015 remporteront dorénavant 2,6 millions d’euros chacun. Un montant jamais atteint, qui illustre la course à laquelle se livrent les quatre tournois du Grand Chelem pour rester attractifs.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1GzA1l2

mercredi 29 avril 2015

Boxe : Pacquiao-Mayweather, le combat du siècle a failli ne pas avoir lieu

Si Manny Pacquiao et Floyd Mayweather trônent au sommet du monde de la boxe depuis une vingtaine d’années, les deux combattants ne se sont jamais affrontés. Et il s’en est fallu de peu pour que leur duel ne soit jamais organisé.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1JSE9zB

Ligue 1 : vainqueur de Metz, le PSG s'approche d'un nouveau titre

Mené par un Javier Pastore particulièrement inspiré, le PSG a facilement dominé le FC Metz, mardi soir, en match en retard de la 32e journée de Ligue 1. Les Parisiens, désormais seuls en tête du championnat, sont proches d'un nouveau titre.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1GvoCTr

mardi 28 avril 2015

Luis Fernandez, nouveau sélectionneur de la Guinée

Après plusieurs semaines de tractations, l'ancien international français a finalement accepté d'occuper le poste de sélectionneur de la Guinée. Il remplace le Belge Michel Dussuyer qui avait quitté ses fonctions après la CAN-2015.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1zls85N

Premier succès au volant d’une monoplace pour le fils de Schumacher

Mick Schumacher, le fils du septuple champion de Formule 1 Michael Schumacher, a remporté la toute première course de monoplace de sa jeune carrière, débutée cette saison en Formule 4. Un succès précoce pour le pilote, tout juste âgé de 16 ans.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1QER51i

Rugby : des places gratuites pour la finale de la Coupe d'Europe à Londres

Confrontées à la désaffection du public londonien pour la finale de la Coupe d'Europe de rugby à Twickenham - une affiche Toulon-Clermont 100 % française -, les instances ont été contraintes d'offrir des places aux supporters. Une première.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1Gs3fCo

lundi 27 avril 2015

Des banderoles haineuses déployées lors d'un match de championnat belge

La rencontre de championnat belge entre Charleroi et le Standard de Liège a été émaillée d’incidents, samedi soir. Des verres de bière ont été jetés sur des joueurs tandis que plusieurs banderoles haineuses ont été déployées dans les travées.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1A5FVrQ

Foot européen : le Bayern sacré, Chelsea et la Juve bien placés

Les épilogues commencent à tomber en Europe, où le Bayern a décroché dimanche un nouveau titre en Bundesliga. La messe semble presque dite également pour Chelsea en Angleterre et pour la Juventus Turin en Italie.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1Ew7H66

La JSF Nanterre remporte l'Eurochallenge et continue d'écrire sa légende

En dominant Trabzonspor au buzzer (64-63), devant son public, la JSF Nanterre a remporté l'Eurochallenge de basket-ball, dimanche. Un exploit pour le basket français, qui n'avait plus décroché de titre continental depuis Nancy en 2002.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1PKW5zY

dimanche 26 avril 2015

Ligue des champions : les féminines du PSG qualifiées pour la finale

Les joueuses du PSG atteignent pour la première fois de leur histoire la finale de la Ligue des champions féminine malgré leur défaite 1-2 face à Wolfsburg lors de la demi-finale retour dimanche, après leur succès 0-2 à l’aller en Allemagne.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1A2AuKa

samedi 25 avril 2015

Ligue 1 : le PSG humilie Lille 6 à 1

Déçu par son élimination de la Ligue des champions par le Barça mercredi, le PSG a donné une leçon de football à Lille, samedi, en s'imposant 6 buts à 1 dans le cadre de la 34e journée de Ligue 1.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1ddWGME

vendredi 24 avril 2015

Ligue des champions : Barça-Bayern et Juventus-Real en demi-finales

Les demi-finales de la Ligue des champions opposeront, entre le 5 mai et le 13 mai, le FC Barcelone au Bayern Munich d'un côté et la Juventus Turin au Real Madrid de l'autre.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1z0GEzB

jeudi 23 avril 2015

La Fifa menace de bannir la Grèce de toute compétition internationale

Au grand dam de la Grèce, la Fifa et l'UEFA ont menacé mercredi de bannir le pays de toute compétition internationale de football si elle faisait passer une loi renforçant la sécurité dans les stades.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1I0lYcU

Coupe du monde féminine : pas de surprise dans la liste des Bleues

Le sélectionneur des Bleues, Philippe Bergerôo, a annoncé jeudi une liste de 23 joueuses pour le Mondial féminin 2015, complétée par sept réservistes. L'équipe de France féminine de football fera partie des favorites lors de cette compétition.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1EvH5nJ

Le Real, le Barça, la Juve et le Bayern en demi-finales de la Ligue des champions

La Juventus Turin et le Real Madrid ont rejoint mercredi soir le FC Barcelone et le Bayern Munich en demi-finales de la Ligue des champions, pour un dernier carré attendu et de très haut niveau.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1yTfwlU

mercredi 22 avril 2015

Pour Jardim, l'AS Monaco a été "éliminé à cause de décisions extérieures"

Entre fierté et déception, les Monégasques ont quitté la Ligue des champions, mercredi soir, en concluant une double confrontation plus qu'honorable face à la Juventus Turin (1-0, 0-0). Voici les principales réactions d'après-match.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1HXJUNZ

AS Monaco - Juventus Turin : suivez le match en direct

L'AS Monaco et la Juventus Turin s'affrontent à 20h45, heure de Paris, en quart de finale retour de la Ligue des champions. Suivez et commentez le match en direct sur France24.com dès le coup d'envoi.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1Of2vdj

Pour éliminer la Juventus Turin, l'AS Monaco devra réaliser "le match parfait"

Battu sur un coup du sort à Turin (1-0), Monaco reçoit la Juve, mercredi soir, avec la ferme intention de se qualifier pour les demi-finales de la Ligue des champions. Pour cela, il faudra réaliser l'exploit face aux coéquipiers de Carlos Tevez.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1Odj4q2

mardi 21 avril 2015

Ligue des champions : le PSG assume son élimination "contre un grand Barça"

Les Parisiens n'ont pas réussi l'exploit en quart de finale retour de la Ligue des champions. Eliminés à ce stade de la compétition pour la troisième année de suite, ils assurent ne pas avoir de regrets face à un FC Barcelone en état de grâce.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1EqTIAp

Ligue des champions : FC Barcelone - PSG en direct

Après sa cuisante défaite en quart de finale aller de la Ligue des champions, le PSG n'a plus qu'une infime chance de se qualifier pour la demi-finale. Avec le retour de Zlatan Ibrahimovic, les Parisiens vont-ils réussir l'exploit face à Barcelone ?

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1cWoSn0

lundi 20 avril 2015

FA Cup tunnel cam: Watch Steven Gerrard trudge off as Aston Villa players celebrate semi-final win

FA Cup tunnel cam: Watch Steven Gerrard trudge off as Aston Villa players celebrate semi-final win
Tim Sherwood's side continued their remarkable renaissance with a commanding display in their fully deserved victory over the Reds

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GcdsYR
via Blogger http://ift.tt/1P53UjM
April 20, 2015 at 02:48PM

Rafael desperate for Manchester United stay - but fears summer Old Trafford exit

Rafael desperate for Manchester United stay - but fears summer Old Trafford exit
Despite being keen to stay and fight for his place, the Brazilian is aware that he may have no choice in the matter with Nathaniel Clyne and Dani Alves linked

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1D6n3tU
via Blogger http://ift.tt/1Q9UV2b
April 20, 2015 at 02:48PM

Borussia Dortmund win 3-0 as boss Jurgen Klopp begins farewell tour

Borussia Dortmund win 3-0 as boss Jurgen Klopp begins farewell tour
Goals from Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Shinji Kagawa sent Die Borussen into the top half of the table

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1HL9aXv
via Blogger http://ift.tt/1P53UjF
April 20, 2015 at 02:13PM

Didier Deschamps : "Je n’ai pas de certitudes, j’ai des convictions" pour l’euro-2016

Didier Deschamps : "Je n’ai pas de certitudes, j’ai des convictions" pour l’euro-2016
Le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France est l'invité de France 24. A près d'un an du coup d'envoi de l'Euro-2016, Didier Deschamps fait le point sur les objectifs des Bleus.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1E18ADr
via Blogger http://ift.tt/1Q9UXap
April 20, 2015 at 02:12PM

Form of Fellaini and Mata a reminder that David Moyes did get some things right at Manchester United

The Scottish manager was sacked by the Red Devils a year ago this week. John Cross suggests it is time to reassess his tenure

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1DDvSxN

Mayweather vs Pacquiao: Floyd trains in dozens of pairs of boxing gloves ahead of superfight

The undefeated world champion changes his mitts regularly during sparring in an attempt to minimise the risk of injury

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1aKEI2B

Charlie Adam, eat your heart out! Norwegian player emulates Stoke star with stunning 57-yard strike

Potters midfielder Adam stunned Chelsea stopper Thibaut Courtois last month with a fine finish from his own half - this guy was clearly taking note

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1HnKzri

Brazilian defender gets away with the most blatant shirt pull in the history of football

We all know a bit of shirt pulling in the penalty area has become a part of the modern game but this Brazilian has taken things to a whole new level

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1HnKyUp

Manchester United players Angel di Maria, Marcos Rojo and Victor Valdes team up with City rivals for night out

Players from both Manchester sides headed out to dinner at San Carlo Italian restaurant in Manchester

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1aKCDnd

Liverpool skipper Steven Gerrard hits the town after Aston Villa dash his dreams of fairytale ending

The Reds midfielder was spotted outside Boujis nightclub in Kensington following the 2-1 loss in the FA Cup semi-final at Wembley on Sunday

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1G04fgI

FA Cup tunnel cam: Watch Steven Gerrard trudge off as Aston Villa players celebrate semi-final win

Tim Sherwood's side continued their remarkable renaissance with a commanding display in their fully deserved victory over the Reds

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GcdsYR

Rafael desperate for Manchester United stay - but fears summer Old Trafford exit

Despite being keen to stay and fight for his place, the Brazilian is aware that he may have no choice in the matter with Nathaniel Clyne and Dani Alves linked

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1D6n3tU

Borussia Dortmund win 3-0 as boss Jurgen Klopp begins farewell tour

Goals from Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Shinji Kagawa sent Die Borussen into the top half of the table

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1HL9aXv

Didier Deschamps : "Je n’ai pas de certitudes, j’ai des convictions" pour l’euro-2016

Le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France est l'invité de France 24. A près d'un an du coup d'envoi de l'Euro-2016, Didier Deschamps fait le point sur les objectifs des Bleus.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1E18ADr

Franck Ribery's brother, Steven scores incredible bicycle kick for FC Bayern II

French international Franck Ribery has a younger brother who is absolutely incredible at scoring acrobatic goals, it seems

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JYQbbl

Why Tottenham fans could be cheering for Arsenal in next month's FA Cup final

Spurs might need their fierce rivals to triumph against Aston Villa at Wembley next month in order for Mauricio Pochettino's side to seal a spot in Europe

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1H7vtb5

Bayern Munich vs Porto: Franck Ribery unlikely to recover from injury in time, admits Pep Guardiola

The France winger is expected to be missing once more as the Bavarians seek to overturn a 3-1 deficit from the first leg

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1Gc0XMW

Manchester United's new third kit leaked? Images of black and orange shirt appear online

The jersey bears a striking resemblance to Chelsea's away kit from five seasons ago and could be the Red Devils' first black kit since the 2010/11 campaign

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JYPRsY

Anthony Joshua to warm up for Kevin Johnson with fight against Rafael Zumbano Love in May

Joshua made his comeback from injury last month and will step up his recovery against the Brazilian in Birmingham

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1zBk6QS

Quiz: Lionel Messi's 400 Barcelona goals

The Argentine forward reached yet another milestone at the weekend. Test your knowledge of his goalscoring exploits here

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JYQdjk

Watch Al-Faisaly goalkeeper score the most bizarre own goal you'll ever see

Al-Faisaly goalkeeper Mohammad Shatnawi managed to score the strangest own goal of all time as he overhead kicked the ball into the net

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1H7qoiY

Chelsea star Cesc Fabregas desperate to end wait for his first Premier League title

The 27-year-old midfielder spent eight years at Arsenal but won only the FA Cup and Community Shield during his time in north London

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JlXh90

FA Cup diary: Why the Brendan and Steven show has been Liverpool's downfall this season

An exercise in style over substance it has been the downfall of Liverpool this season, and now Steven has nothing to show for it. Again

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1IwKxfr

Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers will stay at Anfield for the "long haul" says Danny Murphy

Pressure on the Ulsterman has cranked up another notch after the Reds suffered a shock defeat to Aston Villa in the FA Cup semi-final at Wembley on Sunday

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1OxG1z7

Quiz: Lionel Messi's 400 Barcelona goals

The Argentine forward reached yet another milestone at the weekend. Test your knowledge of his goalscoring exploits here

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1EjbdCI

Foot européen : La Juventus, le Bayern et Chelsea assurés d’être champions

Le week-end de foot en Europe a été marqué par les victoires de la Juventus de Turin, du Bayern Munich et de Chelsea, qui filent droit vers le titre dans leur championnat respectif. De son côté, Arsenal s’est qualifié pour la finale de la Cup.

from Sports – France 24 - L’Actualité Internationale 24h/24 http://ift.tt/1cP7nVI

Sign her up! Police officer shows off silky football skills outside Wembley

Before yesterday's FA Cup semi-final between Aston Villa and Liverpool, one police officer couldn't resist showing off her skills outside Wembley            

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1aK5GHo

Marco Silvestri's dad slams "injured" Leeds players for staging "stupid protest"

Six players from Neil Redfearn's squad declared themself unfit for action on the eve of Leeds' clash with Charlton but Silvestri's dad says only two were actually injured

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1DCUeba

Tiggy’s still on track

Tiggy Wiggy will still run in the 1000 Guineas despite her defeat in the Fred Darling at Newbury on Saturday.

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1yKigSH

Watch stunning moment baseball pitcher Jon Lester throws entire GLOVE to get player out

The Chicago Cubs player had to rely on an inventive technique to get Clint Barmes out after the ball became wedged in the webbing of his glove

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1DCUdUt

Manchester United target Paul Pogba will be sold this summer - if Juventus receive the "right offer"

Agent Mino Raiola suggests the £50m-rated 22-year-old could be sold to finance a re-building of the Italian champions elect

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GbNhBu

Luck be a lady

Lady Lydia recently returned from a lengthy break and she should be primed for action in the Tor Coatings Liquid Waterproofing Fillies’ Handicap at Kempton.

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GbNhBr

Treble joy for Bolger and Manning

Jim Bolger and Kevin Manning shared a superb 841/1 treble at the Curragh yesterday, taking the Group 3 Big Bad Bob Gladness Stakes with 50/1 shot Flight Risk.

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GbNepx

This Liverpool side have done nothing - yet the arrogant complacency of old remains

Everyone connected to the club should be looking at themselves this morning and accepting that this is just not good enough, writes Jim Boardman

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1HKK6QF

Jamie Carragher aims thinly veiled dig at Raheem Sterling over Liverpool wage demands

The Kop legend took to Twitter to slam some of the club's players following the Reds' FA Cup semi-final defeat to Aston Villa at Wembley

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JYslMV

Chelsea striker Patrick Bamford determined to force his way into Jose Mourinho's plans

The Blues youngster pipped Watford skipper Troy Deeney and Ipswich's Daryl Murphy to the Championship Player of the Year prize on Sunday

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1JlN7VJ

Manchester City boosted as David Silva tests confirm NO cheekbone fracture

The Spaniard was stretchered off during Sunday's 2-0 win at the Etihad after being caught by Cheikhou Kouyate's stray arm

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1EiYaBo

Goal of the season contender? Welsh footballer scores incredible bicycle kick

Prestatyn Town footballer scored what might be the best goal of the season with his acrobatic effort from outside the penalty area

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1D50e8G

Amir Khan targeting Manny Pacquiao in dream winter blockbuster in the Middle East

The Briton has given up hope of fighting Floyd Mayweather and is keen on taking on Filipino legend Pacquiao in the United Arab Emirates

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1cP4fJu

East Bengal Club cricketer dies following on-field collision with teammate

Ankit Keshri had been going for a catch when he collided with a teammate, whose knee struck him in the side of the head

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1bd5AJ4

Jay Hart: Girlfriend of striker sacked for having sex with fan in dug-out hits out after shocking incident

The semi-professional player and a female supporter were filmed having sex after his non-league side Clitheroe FC suffered defeat

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1zAKGJM

Rugby player dies at 25 after sustaining serious head injury during match

Nicholas Tooth was airlifted to hospital where he died after he was knocked unconscious when his head collided with an opponent's shoulder

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1zAKFWk

Leeds owner Massimo Cellino rejects claims he told SIX players to declare themselves unfit on eve of match

Half a dozen first-team players ruled themselves out of Saturday's trip to Charlton on Friday - the same day Neil Redfearn's squad were due to travel to the Valley

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1zAKGJJ

Betting guide to today's racing at Pontefract with StanJames

Have a read of the Stanjames.com review ahead of today's action from Pontefract and be completely in the know

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1O7gK3T

Steven Gerrard admits Liverpool looked "nervous" after Aston Villa dashed their FA Cup dreams

The Wembley final falls on Gerrard's 35th birthday, but the Kop hero will now bring the curtain down on his Liverpool playing days at Stoke on May 24 instead

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1GbwqyE

Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid: Gareth Bale and Luka Modric to miss Champions League clash through injury

Carlo Ancelotti's side take on Atletico in their Champions League quarter-final on Wednesday and will be without both Bale and Modric

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1Q8NtUV

Best pictures from the weekend as Chelsea boost title hopes and Liverpool bow out of FA Cup

The Blues squeezed past Louis van Gaal's in form Manchester United while Arsenal and Aston Villa moved one step closer to Cup glory with wins at Wembley

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1Gbrr1d

Liverpool news and transfers: Reds mount shock bid for Manchester United striker Radamel Falcao?

PLUS: Brendan Rodgers admits Aston Villa deserved to knock his side out of the FA Cup AND fans of the Kop club call for Jurgen Klopp to replace the Northern Irishman

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1P3i6to

Mayweather vs Pacquiao: Freddie Roach reveals training Manny has saved him from suicide

The Hall of Fame trainer has had Parkinson's disease for 23 years and the medication can cause depression and suicidal thoughts

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1FZmfIc

Manchester United news and transfers: Red Devils rejoin race for Ilkay Gundogan?

PLUS: Luke Shaw admits his promising performance at Chelsea has given him confidence for the rest of the season AND Memphis Depay's transfer moves closer

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1Ox3Y9O

dimanche 19 avril 2015

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

David Moyes: I had to fight to keep Wayne Rooney from Chelsea's clutches

The former Manchester United boss has been speaking about his relationship with the England striker, a year on from losing his job at Old Trafford

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1OXQYMv


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April 19, 2015 at 11:34AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:37AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:53AM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:09PM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:26PM

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

Chelsea players celebrate Manchester United win with WAGs at Didier Drogba Foundation ball

The Blues extended their lead at the top of the table to 10 points at attended the swish London location for the dinner dance to celebrate their win

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1D1ndTl


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April 19, 2015 at 11:22AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:37AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:53AM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:09PM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:26PM

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

Best Bets for today's FA Cup semi-final Aston Villa v Liverpool PLUS Manchester City v West Ham and Newcastle v Tottenham

The Sunday Mirror football betting expert tips up a scorer punt at Wembley and tiptoes through the flip-flops for a 5/1 Premier League acca

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1OXBEzl


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April 19, 2015 at 10:35AM

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April 19, 2015 at 10:37AM

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April 19, 2015 at 10:51AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:07AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:21AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:37AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:53AM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:09PM

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April 19, 2015 at 12:26PM

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

Arsenal news and transfers: Gunners set to battle for hotshot Demarai Gray's signature in summer?

PLUS: Carl Jenkinson wants to make his loan move to West Ham permanent while transfer target Jose Gaya is thought to be signing a new Valencia contract

from mirror - Sport http://ift.tt/1OsLTtx


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April 19, 2015 at 10:19AM

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April 19, 2015 at 10:37AM

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April 19, 2015 at 10:51AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:07AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:21AM

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April 19, 2015 at 11:37AM

via Blogger http://ift.tt/1DWxTXt

April 19, 2015 at 11:53AM

via Blogger http://ift.tt/1JiF8J7

April 19, 2015 at 12:09PM

via Blogger http://ift.tt/1yGHyRr

April 19, 2015 at 12:26PM